Chen Wang

Lab Director


  • University of Kentucky, Civil Engineering, PhD, July 2010 to December 2012
  • Southeast University, Transportation Planning and Management, Master's, September 2007 to June 2010
  • Southeast University, Traffic Engineering, Bachelor's, September 2003 to June 2007

Research Interest

  • Traffic Safety, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Connected and Autonomous Vehicle




Chen Wang is currently a professor (fully), Ph.D. supervisor, and the Vice Director of the International Cooperation Office at Southeast University, leading the young discipline of Traffic Information Engineering and Control (ITS Director).

He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Kentucky in the United States and his Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from Southeast University. He has led significant research projects, including National Key R&D Programs, Jiangsu Province’s Outstanding Youth Fund projects, National Natural and Science Foundation, and so on.

Chen Wang has received several awards, including the 2022 Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Second Prize and the 2021 China Highway Society Science and Technology First Prize.

Wang’s research focuses on pro-active traffic safety technology, AI-based traffic management, and intelligent/autonomous driving. He has published 75+ papers in top international journals (e.g., IEEE T-ITS, TR Part C/F, Automation in Construction, and Accident Analysis and Prevention). Google Scholar cites his work 1906 times, with an H-index of 24, and he has two papers recognized as ESI Hot Papers.

Chen Wang also serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation System, Digital Transportation and Safety, Editorial Board Members for Multimodal Transportation and Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, a committee member of the TRB AED50 Committee, a technical committee member of the World Transport Convention (WTC) and so forth.