
These works provide an overview of the research of our team.

( * indicates the corresponding author.)

1. Computer Vision (CV)+ Transportation

Traffic Participant Detection

  • Zhou, W., Wang, C. * , Xia, J., Qian, Z., & Wu, Y. (2023). Monitoring-based traffic participant detection in urban mixed traffic: A novel dataset and a tailored detector. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. ( JCR Q1, IF =8.5 ) [Paper]

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  • Zhou, W., Wang, C. * , Ge, Y., Wen, L., & Zhan, Y. (2023). All-Day Vehicle Detection From Surveillance Videos Based on Illumination-Adjustable Generative Adversarial Network. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.( JCR Q1, IF =8.5 ) [Paper]

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Road Accident (Anomaly) Detection/Prediction

  • Zhou, W. Wen, L., Zhan, Y., & Wang, C. * (2023). An appearance-motion network for vision-based crash detection: Improving the accuracy in congested traffic. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems. ( JCR Q1, IF =8.5 ) [Paper]

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  • Zhou, W., Yu, Y., Zhan, Y., & Wang, C. * (2022). A vision-based abnormal trajectory detection framework for online traffic incident alert on freeways. Neural Computing and Applications, 34(17), 14945-14958. ( JCR Q2, IF =6.0 ) [Paper]

  • Wang, C. ,Zhou, W*, Yan, J., & Gong, Y. (2023). 一种用于道路交通事故自动检测的改进双流网络. China Journal of Highway and Transport. ( Top 1 transportation journal in China) [Paper]

Pedestrian Crossing Intention Prediction

  • Zhou, W., Liu, Y., Zhao, L., Xu, S., & Wang, C. (2023). Pedestrian Crossing Intention Prediction From Surveillance Videos for Over-the-Horizon Safety Warning. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. ( JCR Q1, IF =8.5 ) [Paper]

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  • Zhao, L., Zhou, W., Xu, S., Chen, Yu., & Wang, C. * . Multi-agent trajectory prediction at unsignalized intersections: an improved generative adversarial network accounting for collision avoidance behaviors. Transportation Research Part C ( JCR Q1, IF =8.3 ) (Minor Revision)

Few-shot learning & Domain adaptation

  • Zhou, W., Zhan, Y., Zhang, H., Zhao, L., & Wang, C. (2022). Road defect detection from on-board cameras with scarce and cross-domain data. Automation in Construction, 144, 104628. ( JCR Q1, IF =10.3 ) [Paper]

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  • Zhou, W., Liu, Y., Wang, C., Zhan, Y., Dai, Y., & Wang, R. (2022). An automated learning framework with limited and cross-domain data for traffic equipment detection from surveillance videos. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(12), 24891-24903. ( JCR Q1, IF =8.5 ) [Paper]

  • Zhou, W., Cui, Y., Huang, H., Huang, H., & Wang, C. (2024). A fast and data-efficient deep learning framework for multi-class fruit blossom detection. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 217, 108592. ( JCR Q1, IF =8.3 ) [Paper]

  • Zhou, W., Zhao, L., Huang, H., Chen, Y., Xu, S., & Wang, C. (2023). Automatic waste detection with few annotated samples: improving waste management efficiency. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 120, 105865. ( JCR Q1, IF =8.0 ) [Paper]

Large Models

  • Zhou, W., Huang, H., Zhang, H., & Wang, C. * . Teaching Segment-Anything-Model Domain-specific Knowledge for Road Crack Segmentation from On-board Cameras. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.  ( JCR Q1, IF =8.5 ) (Major Revision)

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2. Active Traffic Safety & Autonomous driving

Connected and Automated Vehicles

  • Dai, Y., Wang C. *, & Xie, Y. (2024). Safety-oriented automated vehicle longitudinal control considering both stability and damping behavior. Accident Analysis & Prevention. (JCR Q1, IF=5.9) [Paper]

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  • Dai, Y., Wang C. *, & Xie, Y. (2023). Explicitly incorporating surrogate safety measures into connected and automated vehicle longitudinal control objectives for enhancing platoon safety. Accident Analysis & Prevention. (JCR Q1, IF=5.9) [Paper]

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  • Lin, Y., Wang, P., Zhou, Y., Ding F., & Wang, C. *. (2020). Platoon Trajectories Generation: A Unidirectional Interconnected LSTM-Based Car-Following Model. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. ( JCR Q1, IF =8.5 ) [Paper]

  • Xu, C., Ding, Z., Wang, C. *, & Li, Z. (2019). Statistical analysis of the patterns and characteristics of connected and autonomous vehicle involved crashes. Journal of safety research. (JCR Q1, IF=4.1) [Paper]

Surrogate Safety Measures

  • Wang, C. *, Xie, Y., Huang, H., & Liu, P. (2021). A review of surrogate safety measures and their applications in connected and automated vehicles safety modeling. Accident Analysis & Prevention. (JCR Q1,IF=5.9) [Paper]

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  • Song, Y., Kou S., & Wang, C. *. (2021). Modeling crash severity by considering risk indicators of driver and roadway: A Bayesian network approach. Journal of safety research. (JCR Q1, IF=4.1) [Paper]

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  • Wang, C., Xu, C., & Fan, P. (2020). Effects of traffic enforcement cameras on macro-level traffic safety: A spatial modeling analysis considering interactions with roadway and land use characteristics. Accident Analysis & Prevention. (JCR Q1, IF=5.9) [Paper]

  • Xu, C., Xu, S., Wang, C. *, Li, J. (2019). Investigating the factors affecting secondary crash frequency caused by one primary crash using zero-inflated ordered probit regression. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. (JCR Q2, IF=3.3) [Paper]

  • Wang, C., Xu, C., Xia, J., Qian, Z., & Lu, L. (2018). A combined use of microscopic traffic simulation and extreme value methods for traffic safety evaluation. Transportation Research Part C. ( JCR Q1, IF =8.3 ) [Paper]

  • Wang, C., Xu, C., Xia, J., & Qian, Z. (2018). The effects of safety knowledge and psychological factors on self-reported risky driving behaviors including group violations for e-bike riders in China. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. ( JCR Q2, IF =4.1 ) [Paper]

  • Xu, C., Bao, J., Wang, C. *, & Pan, L. (2018). Association rules analysis of factors contributing to extraordinarily severe traffic crashes in China. Journal of safety research. (JCR Q1, IF=4.1) [Paper]

Traffic Prediction

  • Liu Y., Wang, C. *, Xu, S., Zhou, W., & Chen, Y. (2023). Multi-weighted graph 3D convolution network for traffic prediction. Neural Computing and Applications. (JCR Q2, IF =6.0) [Paper]

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  • Chen, Y., Wang, T., Yan, X., & Wang, C. *. (2022). An Ensemble Optimization Strategy for Dynamic Parking-Space Allocation. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. (JCR Q2, IF=3.6) [Paper]

  • Wang, C. *, Xu, C., & Dai, Y. (2019). A crash prediction method based on bivariate extreme value theory and video-based vehicle trajectory data. Accident Analysis & Prevention. (JCR Q1, IF=5.9) [Paper]

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